Nominate Alumni for Achievement, Loyalty, and Outstanding Young Alumni Awards

Alumni Awards for Achievement, Loyalty, and Outstanding Young Alumni are given annually with the following criteria:

  • Alumni Achievement Award: Recognizes the accomplishments of Huntingdon alumni in one of six categories—Arts, Sciences, Education, Law and Public Service, Business, and Religion. Up to six awards are given annually. Previous Achievement Award winners are not eligible for a second award.
  • Alumni Loyalty Award: Recognizes individuals who, through their continuing expression of affection and commitment to Huntingdon, are deserving of the Alumni Association’s Alumni Loyalty Award.  Recipients must be alumni, but graduation is not required; previous winners may not win a second award.
  • Outstanding Young Alumni Award:  Recognizes achievement, loyalty, and service. Must be a graduate of Huntingdon College.

You may nominate an alum by using the form below or by calling Laura Marie Tyree Brelsford ’05, Assistant Vice President for Alumni Advancement and Engagement, at (334) 833-4564 or; or by addressing the points of merit listed in the form below in a letter, signed and sent to the Office of College and Alumni Relations, Huntingdon College, 1500 E. Fairview Ave., Montgomery, AL 36106. Nominations are due by March 1 each year.

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