Mailing Address:
Huntingdon College
1500 East Fairview Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36106
Location: Catherine Dixon Roland Student Center, Room 113
Phone: (334) 833-4425
- Fall and Spring Semesters: Monday – Friday, 7:30AM – 4:30PM
- Summer Term: Monday – Friday, 7:30AM – 4:00PM
- Limited (10:00AM – 2:00PM): Spring Break, Good Friday, Wednesday/Friday of Thanksgiving, Christmas Break
- Closed: New Year’s Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
The Print & Mail Services Center offers copying and printing of standard file formats (.pdf, .doc/x, .ppt/x, et al). This service is available to current Huntingdon students, faculty, and staff. Print requests must be submitted either via Cayzu, email, or a USB flash drive — each request must note the following:
- Name
- Department Number, if faculty/staff
- Black & White or Color
- Single- or Double-Sided
- Number of Copies
- Hole-Punched (Y/N)
- Stapled (Y/N)
- Paper Color, if available
- Sensitivity – May this document be viewed by a student worker or only by PMSC staff?
- Additional Special Instructions
Printing Prices
Current prices are posted in the Print & Mail Services Center and are subject to future changes. Below information denotes standard letter size paper (8 ½” x 11”). Only cash or check payments are accepted.
- Black Ink, White Paper (student – class-related materials): NO CHARGE
- Black Ink, White Paper (personal use): 5¢/page
- Color Ink, White Paper: 30¢/page
- Paper Substitutes
- Color: +4¢/sheet
- Hammermill: +4¢/sheet
- Cardstock: +5¢/sheet
- Perforated (2-up, 3-up, 4-up): + 15¢/sheet
- Comb binding: $2.00/booklet
- Laminating: 50¢/ft.
See PMSC staff for pricing on ledger paper options (11” x 17”).
Printing Supplies
The Print & Mail Services Center stocks a variety of paper colors/styles and ink cartridges for individual purchase, charged to the associated department (faculty/staff) or paid via cash/check (personal use). Some non-stocked paper colors or ink cartridges can be ordered upon request. Please see PMSC staff for more information.
Mail Services
The Print & Mail Services Center receives mail and parcels every weekday from DHL, FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service. Newly received mail is distributed to campus mailboxes daily. Parcels are logged and available for pick-up in the Mail Room during office hours.
The Print & Mail Services Center also sends mail and parcels via FedEx, UPS, and the U.S. Postal Service. Prices are determined by carrier.
Students Mail
Mailing Address
Huntingdon College student mail should be addressed as follows:
Student Name
Huntingdon College
1500 East Fairview Avenue, Box #
Montgomery, AL 36106
Nothing beats a well-received package from home!
Every full-time campus resident is assigned a campus mailbox. All campus mailboxes are lined along the right-hand corridor of the Catherine Dixon Roland Student Center, near Print & Mail Services Center. Mailbox numbers and keys will be distributed during check-in leading up to the first day of classes. Commuter students may also request a mailbox. Upperclassmen students who move off-campus may keep the mailbox already assigned to them.
Students: Any parcel unable to fit into a campus mailbox will be filed in the Mail Room — a red package slip will be placed into the associated mailbox, noting the parcel is available for pick-up in the Mail Room [during office hours]. The red slip must be presented to PMSC staff in order to receive said parcel.
Faculty/Staff: An individual notification will be sent via email whenever new parcel(s) are delivered to the Mail Room.
Congratulations! All graduating students must return their mail key to the Print & Mail Services Center. USPS mail and packages can be forwarded for a limited time to a registered forwarding address. Packages from other carriers will require a prepaid shipping label to be forwarded, which can be emailed to PMSC — please contact PMSC staff beforehand to obtain package dimensions for a prepaid shipping label. Graduating students should notify all senders ASAP of a change of address. Graduates who do not return their mail key before the determined due date will be charged a fee of $50.
Key Loss
Any mail key that is lost or stolen will incur a $50 charge to the associated student’s account. A Cayzu ticket must be submitted to receive a new mail key, and PMSC staff will notify the mail key’s owner whenever the new key is ready for pick-up in the Print & Mail Services Center. If a mail key is damaged and unusable (not lost or stolen), please deliver the damaged key to PMSC staff so that a new key can be created as a replacement [at no charge].
Withdrawing Students
Before leaving campus, students withdrawing from Huntingdon College must return their mail key or be charged a fee of $50. Keys may be returned in person or mailed to the Print & Mail Services Center or the Office of Student Financial Services in Wilson.