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TAKE NOTE: Celebrate the Launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign
Claire Bridges, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Kinesiology, Auburn University
Master of Education, Exercise Science, Auburn University at Montgomery
Bachelor of Arts, Human Performance: Exercise Science, Huntingdon College
Dr. Claire Bridges returned to her undergraduate alma mater as an adjunct instructor in January 2019 and joined the faculty full-time in the fall of 2019. She taught courses and conducted research as a graduate assistant during her doctoral program at Auburn University, 2015–2018. She is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine and of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.
Bridges, C.E., Rudisill, M.E., & Pangelinan, M.M. Motivations for Participation in Physical Activity and Movement Interventions in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Johnson, J.L., Miedema, B., Converse, B., Bridges, C., Irwin, J.M., Buchanan, A.B., Rudisill, M.E., & Pangelinan, M. (Submitted). Influence of High and Low Autonomy-Supportive Climates on Physical Activity on Children with and without Developmental Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Pangelinan, M. and Bridges, C. (submitted). Phase 2 single blind randomised controlled trial of GAME (Goals – Activity – Motor Enrichment) infants at high risk of cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
Rudisill, M.E., Wadsworth, D.D., Irwin, J.M., Hastie, P.A., Johnson, J., & Bridges, C. Measuring perceptions of perceived competence in young children: The influence of performing and observing performance on perceived competence scores and the accuracy of perceptions. Submitted to Journal of Motor Development and Learning.
Rudisill, M.E., Wadsworth, D.D., Irwin, J.M., Hastie, P.A., Bridges, C.E., & Johnson, J.L. (2016). Assessing perceptions of competence: Does performing motor skills and observing motor skill performance influence a child’s accuracy of their perceptions. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34 (suppl), 138.
Rudisill, M.E., Wadsworth, D.D., Irwin, J.M., Hastie, P.A., Johnson, J.L., Bridges, C.E., (2016). Measuring perceptions of competence in young children: The influence of performing and observing one’s performance on perceived competence scores. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 34 (suppl), 137.
Johnson, J., Miedema, B., Converse, B., Hill, D., Buchanan, A.M., Bridges, C.,…Rudisill, M.E. (2018). Influence of high and low autonomy-supportive climates on physical activity in children with and without developmental disability. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 427- 437.
Buchanan, A.M., Miedema, B., Rudisill, M.E., Johnson, J., Bridges, C., Irwin, J.M.,…Pangelinan, M.M. (2019). “The stomp and catch was too easy!” Children’s and teachers’ perceptions of inclusive high and low autonomy motor skill instruction. The Physical Educator, 76, 676-700.
Bridges, C., Feiss, R., Rudisill, M.E., Thornburg-Brock, S., Miller, M., & Pangelinan, M.M. (2018). Improving Fitness, Executive Function, and Competence of Children with Developmental Disabilities through an Adaptive Gymnastics Program. Accepted for presentation at the 2018 North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium in Corvallis, OR.
Bridges, C., Feiss, R., Rudisill, M.E., Thornburg-Brock, S., Miller, M., & Pangelinan, M.M. (2018). Improving Fitness, Executive Function, and Perceived Competence through an Adapted Gymnastics Program of Children with Developmental Disabilities. Accepted for presentation at the 2018 NASPSPA conference in Denver, CO.
Bridges, C., Feiss, R., Rudisill, M.E., Thornburg-Brock, S., Miller, M., & Pangelinan, M.M. (2018). Adaptive Gymnastics – Executive Functions, Perceived Competence and Fitness Skills of Children with Developmental Disabilities. Accepted for presentation at 2018 Disability Health and Rehabilitation Services Symposium in Birmingham, AL.
Bridges, C.E., Rudisill, M.E., & Pangelinan, M.M. (2017). Motivations for Participation in Physical Activity and Movement Interventions in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. Accepted for presentation at the 2017 NASPSPA conference in San Diego, CA.
Johnson, J.L., Rudisill, M.E., Pangelinan, Buchanan, A.B., M. Miedema, B., Converse, B., Irwin, J.M., Bridges, C. (2017). Measuring physical activity in children: A comparison of autonomy-supportive and direct-instruction climates on children with and without disabilities. Accepted for presentation at the 2017 NASPSPA conference in San Diego, CA.
Rudisill, M.E., Wadsworth, D.D., Irwin, J.M., Hastie, P.A., Bridges, C.E., & Johnson, J.L. (2016). Assessing perceptions of competence: Does performing motor skills and observing motor skill performance influence a child’s accuracy of their perceptions. Presented at the NASPSPA Conference in Montreal, Canada.
Rudisill, M.E., Wadsworth, D.D., Irwin, J.M., Hastie, P.A., Johnson, J.L., & Bridges, C.E., (2016). Measuring perceptions of competence in young children: The influence of performing and observing one’s performance on perceived competence scores. Presented at the NASPSPA Conference in Montreal, Canada.
Pangelinan, M. and Bridges, C. (submitted). Phase 2 single blind randomised controlled trial of GAME (Goals – Activity – Motor Enrichment) infants at high risk of cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities
GIRLS ON THE RUN (GOTR), Fall, 2018; River Region—Montgomery, AL
Coach and running buddy to child with spina bifida
A non-profit organization (501(c) 3) that integrates running with a fun and experience-based 10–week curriculum to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident.
The Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Lab
Summer adapted gymnastics program (8-weeks) for children with developmental disabilities.
The Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Lab
After-school adapted gymnastics program (13-weeks) for children with developmental disabilities.
GIRLS ON THE RUN (GOTR), Spring 2018; River Region—Montgomery, AL
Coach and running buddy to child with spina bifida
A non-profit organization (501(c) 3) that integrates running with a fun and experienced-based 10–week curriculum to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident.
BRAIN PUMP, Fall, 2017
Auburn University at Montgomery
Dr. Erin Reilly and Tiffany Higginbotham
Brain pump is a group exercise class for children that focuses on attention, coordination, and learning by combining gross motor activity with therapeutic concepts.
The Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Lab
Dr. Melissa Pangelinan
Swim instructor for children with disabilities.
The camp was a 3-week inclusion camp for typically developing children and children with intellectual and physical disabilities.
The Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Lab
Dr. Melissa Pangelinan
Working with children with disabilities during physical activity
Huntingdon College is a college of the United Methodist Church.