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TAKE NOTE: Celebrate the Launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign
Diana Abernethy, Ph.D.
The Rev. Dr. Diana Abernethy joined the Huntingdon College Faculty in 2018. Her research and teaching interests include narrative analysis of the Old Testament, theological interpretation of the Old Testament, Bible and film, the books of Samuel, the book of Numbers, women in the Old Testament, and violence in the Old Testament. Her current writing project is Deceiving for David: Deceptions in Context, which is under contract with Oxford University Press.
She is an ordained Elder in the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church and a John Wesley Fellow. With passions for campus ministry, local church Bible Studies, and community for persons of all abilities, her ministry experience includes serving as a board member for the Duke Wesley Fellowship, leading Disciple Bible Studies, volunteering with Reality Ministries (Durham, NC), and serving as a committee member for Friends of L’Arche North Carolina.
Huntingdon College is a college of the United Methodist Church.