B.A. in Music and Religion, Birmingham-Southern College
M.Div. Candler School of Theology, Emory University
D.Min. in Scriptural Interpretation and Proclamation, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
The Rev. Dr. Kelsey Grissom is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church. She has served five congregations in North Alabama as associate or senior pastor and has worked for the equitable inclusion of women in all levels of ecclesial life. Prior to coming to Huntingdon, Dr. Grissom taught at Birmingham-Southern College as a Visiting Assistant Lecturer of Religion. She teaches about the interpretation of Hebrew and Christian Scriptures as well as the development of Christian history and theology.
“Why is Our Peace Broken?” in When Kids Ask Hard Questions, Volume II, ed. Bromleigh McCleneghan and Karen Ware Jackson, 160-165. Des Peres, MO: Chalice Press, 2021.
Partners in Prayer: Advent (contributing author and editor), ed. YCWI Board, Des Peres, MO: Chalice Press, 2015.