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James Patterson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Bachelor of Arts, Chemistry, Carleton College
Dr. James Patterson joined the Huntingdon faculty in January 2021 after serving on the faculty of the University of Alabama at Birmingham for thirteen years. He has taught molecular orbital theory and general and introductory chemistry to thousands of undergraduates and has trained doctoral and graduate-level students in performing equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. He has also researched intrinsically disordered proteins and their interactions in heavy metals, small molecules, and proteins using quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics. Prior to his fellowship and teaching at UAB, Dr. Patterson served as a teaching assistant and a research assistant at UCSB. He has published his research extensively.
- Patterson, J. C., Lorkovi, I. M., & Ford, P. C. (2003). Spectroscopic and density functional studies ofthe dinitrosyl metalloporphyrin complexes Fe(P)(NO)2 and Ru(P)(NO)2. Inorganic Chemistry, 42(16),4902-4908.
- Chen, J. G., Patterson, J. C., Catte, A., Segrest, J. P., & Li, L. (2005). Discoidal complexes ofapolipoprotein A-I with different phospholipids share a common model for size heterogeneity.ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY, 25(5), E73.
- Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Jones, M. K., Jerome, W. G., Bashtovyy, D., Su, Z., .. . Segrest, J. P.(2006). Novel changes in discoidal high density lipoprotein morphology: A molecular dynamics study.Biophysical Journal, 90(12), 4345-4360. doi:10.1529/biophysj.105.071456
- Kurtikyan, T. S., Hovhannisyan, A. A., Hakobyan, M. E., Patterson, J. C., Iretskii, A., & Ford, P. C.(2007). Reactions of nitrogen oxides with the five-coordinate FeIII (porphyrin) nitrito intermediateFe(Por)(ONO) in sublimed solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(12), 3576-3585.doi:10.1021/ja067245h
- Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Bashtovyy, D., Jones, M. K., Gu, F., Li, N., … Segrest, J. P. (2008).Structure of spheroidal HDL particles revealed by combined atomistic and coarse-grainedsimulations. Biophysical Journal, 94(6), 2306-2319. doi:10.1529/biophysj.107.115857
- Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Bashtovyy, D., Jones, M. K., Gu, F., Li, L., … Segrest, J. P. (2008).Structure of spheroidal HDL particles revealed by combined atomistic and coarse-grained simulations(Biophysical Journal (2008) 94,6 (2306-2319)). Biophysical Journal, 94(8), 3361.doi:10.1529/biophysj.108.0900175
- Jones, M. K., Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Gu, F., Chen, J., Li, N., & Segrest, J. P. (2009). Thermalstability of apolipoprotein A-I in high-density lipoproteins by molecular dynamics. Biophysical Journal,96(2), 354-371. doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2008.09.041
- Gu, F., Jones, M. K., Chen, J., Patterson, J. C., Catte, A., Jerome, W. G., … Segrest, J. P. (2010).Structures of discoidal high density lipoproteins: A combined computational-experimental approach.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(7), 4652-4665. doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.069914
- Jackson, P. L., Noerager, B. D., Jablonsky, M. J., Hardison, M. T., Cox, B. D., Patterson, J. C., …Muccio, D. D. (2011). A CXCL8 receptor antagonist based on the structure of N-acetyl-prolineglycine-proline. European Journal of Pharmacology, 668(3), 435-442.doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2011.02.045
- Pan, L., & Patterson, J. C. (2013). Molecular Dynamics Study of Zn(Abeta) and Zn(Abeta)2. PLoSONE, 8(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070681
- Segrest, J. P., Jones, M. K., Catte, A., Manchekar, M., Datta, G., Zhang, L., … Ren, G. (2015).Surface Density-Induced Pleating of a Lipid Monolayer Drives Nascent High-Density LipoproteinAssembly. Structure, 23(7), 1214-1226. doi:10.1016/j.str.2015.05.010
- Patterson, J. C., Shin, S. K., Cariati, E., & Ford, P. C. (2000). Ab initio calculations and photophysicalstudies of [CuIL]n and [CuIL]4 isomers (where L = NH3, pyridine, and 4-picoline).. ABSTRACTS OFPAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 219, U785.
- Ford, P. C., Patterson, J. C., & Cariati, E. (2002). Luminescent metallo-organic clusters and polymersbased on copper(I) halides. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,224, U651.
- Patterson, J. C., Lorkovic, I. M., Lim, M. D., & Ford, P. C. (2003). Density functional studies ofM(L)x(NO)y and related compounds as models for the reactivity of nitric oxide and metalloporphyrinnitrosyls.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 225, U142.
- Lim, M. D., Patterson, J. C., Lorkovic, I. M., Kurtikyan, T. S., & Ford, P. C. (2004). DFT andexperimental studies on the reaction of Fe(TPP)(NO3) with NO.. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THEAMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 227, U1545.
- Patterson, J. C., Catte, A., Bashtovyy, D., & Segrest, J. P. (2007). Molecular dynamics simulations ofnormal and Milano rotamers of lipid-bound apolipoprotein A-I particles. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL,408A.
- Bashtovyy, D., Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., & Segrest, J. P. (2007). Molecular dynamics simulations ofmonomeric apolipoprotein A-I from a recent X-ray structure. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 248A.
- Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Bashtovyy, D., Jones, M. K., Gu, F., Li, L., … Segrest, J. P. (2007).Preliminary models of spheroidal HDL particles through molecular dynamics. BIOPHYSICALJOURNAL, 539A.
- Patterson, J. C. & Segrest, J. P. (2007). Computational Simulations of Model ApoA-I:LipidComplexes. SOUTH EAST LIPID RESEARCH CONFERENCE, CALLAWAY GARDENS, GA.
- Patterson, J. C. & Segrest, J. P. (2007). Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Selected Rotamers ofModel Apolipoprotein A-I Complexes. FRONTIERS IN MACROMOLECULAR SIMULATIONS,GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GA.
- Catte, A., Patterson, J. C., Bashtovyy, D., Jones, M. K., Gu, F., Li, L., … Segrest, J. P. (2008).Structure of spheroidal HDL particles revealed by combined atomistic and coarse-grainedsimulations. (vol 94, pg no 2306, 2008). BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 94(8), 3361.
- Patterson, J. C. (2008). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Monomeric ?-Synuclein with Micelles andVesicles. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS, MEMPHIS, TN.
- Patterson, J. C. (2008). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Alpha-Synuclein in SDS Micelles.SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. NASHVILLE,TN.
- Plain, A. & Patterson, J. C. (2008). Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Apolipoprotein A-I PeptideMimetic 4F. SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.NASHVILLE, TN.
- Yang, H. & Patterson, J. C. (2008) Atomistic and Coarse-Grained MD Study on Alpha-Synuclein inWater Box. SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.NASHVILLE, TN.
- Doss, J. B. & Patterson, J. C. (2008) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Amyloid Beta Peptide inWater Solution and on Lipid Bilayer. SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL MEETING OF THE AMERICANCHEMICAL SOCIETY. NASHVILLE, TN.
- Patterson, J. C. (2009) Molecular Dynamics of Alpha Synuclein in the Presence of SDS Micelles.2009 BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING, BOSTON, MA.
- Plain, A. M. & Patterson, J. C. (2009) Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Apolipoprotein A-I PeptideMimetic 4F. 2009 BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING, BOSTON, MA.
- Yang, H. & Patterson, J. C. (2009) Atomistic and Coarse-Grained MD Study on MutatedAlpha-Synuclein in Water Box. 2009 BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY MEETING, BOSTON, MA.
- Yang, H., & Patterson, J. C. (2010). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Alpha-Synuclein at VariousTemperatures. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 98(3), 444A-445A.
- Pan, L. & Patterson, J. C. (2010). Structural and Energetic Study of Zn(II) Binding Amyloid-? PeptideComplex in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Quantum Mechanics (QM) Calculations Based on DensityFunctional Theory (DFT) Method and Solvation Models. 239TH AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYNATIONAL MEETING, SAN FRANCISCO, CA.
- Pan, L. & Patterson, J. C. (2010). Molecular Dynamics Study of Zinc-involved Amyloid-? (A?) PeptideOligomerization. 2010 SOUTHWESTERN/SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL MEETING OF THEAMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, NEW ORLEANS, LA.
- Pan, L., & Patterson, J. C. (2011). Molecular Dynamics Studies of Cu(II)-Bound -Synuclein(?S)Complexes. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 100(3), 149.
- Yang, H., & Patterson, J. C. (2011). Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Monomeric and Dimeric NACin Alpha-Synuclein at Various Temperatures. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 100(3), 195.
- Plain, A. M., & Patterson, J. C. (2011). Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Apolipoprotein A-I PeptideMimetics. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 100(3), 204.