Wednesday, March 12
Read: Psalm 17; Job 1:1-22; Luke 21:34-22:6; John 1:5
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5
On January 27th, 1945, the gates of Auschwitz were thrown open, and prisoners, barely clinging to life, stepped into freedom. This moment, forever etched in history, was a flicker of hope in one of the darkest chapters of humanity. The liberation didn’t erase the horror they had endured, but it brought light to a place shrouded in unimaginable darkness.
This story of liberation echoes a truth that we hold onto as believers: no matter how deep the darkness may seem, light will always prevail. John 1:5 reminds us that Jesus, the Light of the World, shines into our darkest places, and no darkness can extinguish Him.
A story from the same war offers another powerful image of hope. In the chaos of a London bombing raid, a father and son found themselves trapped in a crater. Flames and destruction raged around them. The father jumped into the pit for safety and called out to his son, “Jump! I’ll catch you!” The boy hesitated, crying out, “But I can’t see you!” The father replied, “But I can see you. That’s all that matters.”
Isn’t that a picture of our faith? Life’s circumstances may feel like a deep crater, surrounded by darkness. Fear can paralyze us, and anxiety may scream, “You can’t see the way out!” But faith reminds us that while we can’t always see God’s hand, He always sees us. His invitation to trust Him remains constant: “Jump! I’ll catch you!”
Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, addresses the struggles we face: anxiety, worry, fear. He calls us to a higher perspective, reminding us of our Father’s care (Matthew 6:25–34). Just as He provides for the sparrows, He provides for us. Just as He sees the lilies of the field, He sees us.
The liberation of Auschwitz and the father in the crater both point to the same truth: God’s light breaks through even the deepest despair. We may feel like prisoners of our circumstances or stuck in the darkness of fear, but God’s grace offers freedom. In Christ, hope rises from ashes, and life emerges from death.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, remember: the Light of the World shines for you. Jump into His arms. He sees you, and His promises will hold you.
Lord, thank You for being the Light in our darkness. When fear, anxiety, or despair surround us, help us trust Your promise to catch us. Open our eyes to Your faithfulness, and may Your light shine brightly in our lives, bringing hope to others. Amen.
The Reverend Stuart Davidson is Senior Pastor of Eastern Shore Baptist Church in Daphne, Alabama and father to a first-year student at Huntingdon College.