Hope From Ashes


A Daily Guide For Lent

Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday

Thursday, March 13

Read: Psalm 27; Genesis 13:1-7, 14-18; Philippians 3:2-12

Growing up, I never had to move states, cities, or even houses. Although my mother says we moved into my childhood home when I was almost four, I have no recollection of the old duplex we used to live in. Instead, I only remember my house. My room that had Tinker Bell stickers and light purple walls until I graduated high school. My living room with the couch that I would sleep on every time that I got sick. My foyer where we put the Christmas tree up every year, where I decorated it with homey, mismatched ornaments that my mother had collected over the years.

I stayed in that house – my house – until the day I left for college, when I entered into a completely new world. Light purple walls and Tinker Bell stickers became white brick, with remnants of Command strips scattered by former tenants. My couch, that once held me as I was sickly and weak, was replaced with the same bed I slept on every night. The foyer with the Christmas tree ceased to exist, and MY room became… my roommate and I’s room.

I had always felt comfortable in my house, but when I left for college, it felt as though I had no home. When I came back home over the break, everything felt foreign. I had clothes overflowing my dresser (new things I had got from my first semester), my mom painted my room while I was gone, and for some reason, the only thing in the refrigerator was a jar of pickles and a case of Dr. Pepper.

Even though my home had changed, I soon realized that I didn’t need to worry about my physical dwelling. As we see in the Scripture for today, David is intent on dwelling in the house of the Lord, so that he can “gaze on the beauty of the Lord” (v. 4). How do we dwell in the house of the Lord, though? We know that God calls us to love God and love people, and we know that we find the beauty of creation in others. For us to truly dwell in the house of the Lord, we can find community in our fellow man. Our “dwelling place” is not a place at all, but instead a people who love God and seek to love God more.

How do we know that community is what the dwelling of the Lord is? Well, Jesus found community with his disciples, his friends. As we strive to be “little Christs” in our walk with God, we can also find our dwelling in the relationships we make with each other. As we remember Jesus’ time of solitude in the desert during this time of Lent, I can imagine how much Jesus was missing his friends. As you continue through this Lenten season, rejoice in your community, and take time to reflect on your dwelling in the Lord.



Almighty God, thank You for our homes, both physical and spiritual. Memories from all parts of life draw us closer to You, and we could not be more appreciative. Thank You for the community You have placed in our lives. We are grateful that You allow us to dwell with You through our relationships with others. As always, we thank You for Your son, Jesus Christ. His time on Earth showed us how to be in true community with one another, and we strive to maintain that connection every day. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Ms. Eva Ellenberg is a senior Religion student at Huntingdon College from Lindale, Georgia. A candidate for ministry in the United Methodist Church, Eva seeks to continue her education through graduate theological studies.

Picture of Rev. Dr. Brian V. Miller

Rev. Dr. Brian V. Miller

Vice President for External and Church Relations
(334) 833-4530 | brian.miller@hawks.huntingdon.edu | Church Relations

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