Hope From Ashes


A Daily Guide For Lent

Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday

Tuesday, March 18

Read: Psalm 105:1-42; Numbers 14:10b-24; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Remembering Because God Remembers

In Psalm 105, the Psalmist calls us to remember: “Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced (Psalm 105:5).” Psalm 105 is one of the few “historical psalms” that recount God’s faithfulness to His people throughout history. The psalm recalls God’s covenant with Abraham, the deliverance from Egypt, and the provision in the wilderness. These stories were not just history lessons—they were meant to strengthen the people in the present.  All of this is grounded in the powerful closing line, “For he remembered his holy promise given to his servant Abraham (Psalm 105:42).”

We are called to remember because God remembers.

This call to remember is not just for ancient Israel—it continues in the ways we keep faith alive today. One example that struck me deeply was a tradition in the small town of Oberammergau, Germany. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit that town, which is famous for its Passion Play. I was supposed to go in 2020, but like so many things that year, the event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The origins of the Passion Play go back nearly 400 years. In 1633, as the plague swept through Europe, the people of Oberammergau made a vow: if God spared them, they would stage a reenactment of Christ’s Passion every ten years as an act of gratitude and remembrance. God was faithful, and they kept their promise. The entire town participates, with as many as 400 people on stage at once, sharing the story of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.

When the pandemic of our time disrupted their tradition, the people of Oberammergau faced a difficult choice. Could they postpone it? Should they wait another decade? But one of the leaders explained to me why they had to move forward: If we wait 20 years, the children won’t know how to do it. They won’t remember the story, and we will lose it.

That struck me deeply. If they did not pass on the story, it could be lost to the next generation. But by remembering, they found strength to keep their promise. When I visited Oberammergau again in 2023, the town was full of life, their tradition alive and well.

Memory is essential to faith. When we remember what God has done for us, we find the strength to face today’s challenges. When we tell the stories of God’s faithfulness, we remind ourselves—and each other—who we are and whose we are.

Psalm 105 invites us into this sacred work of remembering. It calls us to recall God’s wonders, miracles, and promises. And it reassures us that while we remember, God remembers too. The Lord has not forgotten the covenant. God has not forgotten His people. The Lord has not forgotten you.

Reflection Questions:

What are the moments in your life where you have seen God’s faithfulness?

How do you practice remembering what God has done?

Who in your life needs to hear a story of God’s goodness today?

May we be a people who remember—because God remembers.


Gracious God, thank You for Your faithfulness throughout history and in my life. Help me to remember Your goodness, to trust in Your promises, and to share Your story with the next generation. Amen.

The Reverend Dr. Geoffrey Lentz is Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Pensacola and serves on the Huntington College Board of Trustees.

Picture of Rev. Dr. Brian V. Miller

Rev. Dr. Brian V. Miller

Vice President for External and Church Relations
(334) 833-4530 | brian.miller@hawks.huntingdon.edu | Church Relations

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