Thursday, March 6
Read: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Exodus 5:10-23; Acts 7:30-34
Have you ever noticed something out of the corner of your eye that caused you to do a double take? Maybe it was something that moved out of its normal spot, an unexpected friend at the grocery, or a strange figure in the distance. What do you do? Do you move closer to see what it is?
As I read through our passage for today, the phrase “…he went over to get a closer look…” resonated with me. Often our heart will notice something that may cause us to think that we are being given a nudge from the Holy Spirit. What do we do? Do we slow down to take a closer look? Moses does. I can imagine him rubbing his eyes after he sees it, a burning bush that is not consumed in the fire, unsure if his eyes are playing tricks on him. So, Moses moves closer to get a better look, and that is when he encounters God.
During this Lenten season I encourage you to stop in the moment and take a closer look. When your heart is stirred — when you feel that gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit, when something causes you to do that double take.
At the end of each day, you might also consider asking God, “Was there something that you were trying to show me today? Is there something that I need to take time to look at more closely tomorrow?”
I find it interesting that after Moses draws near to look at the burning bush then God also draws near to look upon the affliction of the Israelites (v 34). The text seems to tell us that it matters where we look. And, where does our God most often look? If we follow the gaze of the God of Moses, then we will also notice those afflicted and in need.
We serve a God who has looked upon us with love and compassion and calls us to do the same for others. So… let’s stop from the business of our lives and take a moment to turn aside for a closer look.
Prayer: Holy God, we confess that sometimes we get in such a hurry that we miss the burning bushes that you set right in front of us. Help us to look closer when your Spirit tugs on our hearts. Give us the opportunity to kick off our shoes and celebrate the Good News, that you have seen us, and you have shown us your glory. Amen
The Reverend Gillian Walters ’08 is Senior Minister at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama and serves on the Huntingdon College Board of Trustees.